Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Dear Ben,
  Today you are six years old.  Happy Birthday!!!!  You are a special boy.  I am so grateful to have you in our family.
  You came into our family late on a Tuesday night.  All of your grandparents, aunts, and uncles (except Casey, who was on a mission) were there in the hospital for your arrival.  Everyone was anxious to meet you, especially me and dad.
  I remember the first time I held you in my arms.  I was in shock.  I couldn't believe you were actually here.  You were so small and perfect.  I was in love with you immediately.
  I had prayed for you to come to our family for a very long time.  But I'm pretty sure it was your Grandma Knecht who prayed you into our family.  She has faith that can move mountains.
   From the moment you came into this world you have had an unquenchable thirst for knowledge.  You've been curious about things from day one.  You were speaking in complete sentences from the time you were 2.  You have an amazingly bright mind.
   I hope you will always fill your bright mind and spirit with the choicest things.  Remember that you are good, kind, and smart.  You can do anything. 
   Thank you for making me a mother.  It is the sweetest gift that I've experienced in my life.

I love you always.

Ben a few days old.

Ben 1 year old at the LA Zoo.

Ben Feb 2013.

Ben and Tom at the Space Shuttle Endeavor exhibit, Feb 2013.

Ben and Tom in their soccer clothes, Jan 2013.

Ben on his first day of kindergarten, fall 2012.
Ben dressed up to go for a walk in Rexburg, ID fall 2007.


1 comment:

rachelsaysso said...

I got a little misty eyed thinking about how great Ben is. Happy birthday!!!