Thursday, September 16, 2010

Just one of those days.

Today I've been kind of tired.  I didn't sleep very well last night, and since I didn't have anywhere to go or anything to do I stayed in my pj's until 11:00am.  Don't judge.  It's just been one of those days.  So finally around 1:00pm Ben piped up and said he was hungry (don't worry I fed them breakfast at 8:00am, it wasn't his first feeding for the day).  So I peeled myself off the couch and got Ben some cottage cheese (he's in love with the stuff, he would eat it for every meal if possible) and I got Tom a bowl of Cap'n Crunch.  Oh no, what have I done?  Last night I bought 3 boxes of said cereal because it was on sale for less than a dollar a box.  But now Tom is serioulsy in love with it.  After he finished his first bowl he walked up to me with a very serious face and his arms folded across his chest and said, "I need more cereal mommy."  Ok, that's fine because the bowl that I had given him was farely small.  What would another bowl hurt?  About 10 mins later, he comes up to me and has his little hands folded together and says, "I need more cereal, please, please, please.  More mommy."  He was totally begging.  I can't really blame the kid, Cap'n Crunch is the best breakfast cereal ever known to man.  So I obliged, with a warning that this was the last bowl for today.  Wow.  I guess I'll have to watch the Cap'n Crunch intake around here.

1 comment:

Katie said...

He is too cute! Let him have it, I say. Before he gets too old and it tears up the roof of his mouth, like it does mine.