Sunday, May 1, 2011

He's Curious Like a Cat

I let Ben go out in the backyard this morning. 
He came in and said, "That white stuff on the slide does not taste good."
Sam replied, "You mean snow?"
I turned and looked at Sam, thinking to myself, all of the snow has melted. What could it be?
Then I remembered Sam put weed and feed on the lawn last night.
Then I said to Ben, "Ben you just ate poison."
Ben, "Oh no!  Is there some way you can get it out of me?"
Me, "Nope."

I have never known a boy more curious than my boy.  It's a blessing and a curse.

1 comment:

NatMo said...

Oh, that scares me for you! Can't wait to see pictures of your baby! With those cute boys, your girl will definitely be beautiful...(besides, look at her MOTHER)