Monday, September 8, 2008

Oh where, oh where has my little dog gone . . . and other stuff.

This morning I loaded the boys into the stroller for a walk. I gave Ben his sippy cup and his new puppy dog, which he got for being a good boy while we were at Target last weekend. We were all set, or so I thought. We started off and about an hour into our walk Ben starts yelling "puppy pleassssssse!!!!!! Mama, puppy, puppy pleasssssssse!!!!!". So I stop the stroller walk around to him and I see that he no longer has his puppy. A couple of thoughts went through my mind, "I can be a good mom and retrace my steps to see where he dropped it." or "tough luck buddy, you should have been more careful." Fortunate for Ben I was in a good mood. So back we went. I looked everywhere to no avail. When we got back to our apartment (an hour and a half later) what was sitting on our door step? The puppy. Well at least I burned a few more calories and Ben still has his puppy. The moral of the story, the puppy is not coming on the walk again.

This past weekend we introduced rice cereal to Tom. He was pretty cute sitting in the high chair. Now that he's in the high chair we've moved Ben to a booster seat. I think he likes it. He seems to be doing really well up to the table and using a plate. My boys are growing so much.

Ben is a pretty quick learner (hey it's my blog, and I can brag on my son if I want to), so we decided that he'd have fun learning the days of the week and the months. So I bought a calendar set and hung it. Every morning during breakfast we sing the months of the year (thankyou Katie) and we talk about the day of the week and the weather. I don't know if he's having fun, but I sure am.


Ginger said...

What a MOM!!! I'm sure by the time we see you in November Ben will have all of his months and days of the week down. He is a Knecht. Keep the pictures coming. I love them.

Christina said...

Way to go Stacy on being the mom of the year! I love the little calendar. I am sad you will not be back in California when we get back. Try to stay warm up there in Idaho. Your boys are adorable!

Katie said...

Do you sing it in English or Spanish? Because Spanish could be fun! :)

Gina said...

Sam will sing it in Spanish for you.

Bree and Addi said...

STACY- I just found your blog! I'm so excited you have your own now! I miss you guys so much, I wish you were still in Cali! I heard you are sick! What's going on? call me sometime!

LaRue Country Living said...

I love knowing that we all make mistakes with letting our loved little ones have special items when we are out. Of course, they loose them and then we never hear the end of it. I'm glad you found it again. On a seperate note, I'm glad you are enjoying the calendar. It's fun for them when you are having fun too.Can't wait to go walking with you tonight. LOL

Rich and Nickie said...

hello...I didn't know you were a blogger or I would have started this sooner! Your boys are so grown up. How are you guys? How's Idaho? I wish I could escape the desert and come and see you.