Thursday, April 21, 2011

36 down, 4 more to go.

Today I am officially 36 weeks pregnant.  The last 4 weeks are usually the hardest for me.  I've been experiencing all of the normal aches and pains of pregnancy, but now all of those things seemed to be magnified. 
I had another doctor's appointment today.  Everything looked really good.  Blood pressure, weight, baby's heart beat, amniotic fluid levels, they were all normal.  My doctor checked to see if I had dilated at all and I am still anterior (baby's high up, cervix not effaced) and only dilated to 1 cm.  Even though I've been having a lot of contrations/Braxton Hicks, I know from past experience not to expect my body to be fast at thinning and opening.  I fully expect to go to my due date.
Little by little I'm trying to get things ready around the house.  I've started gathering things for my hospital bag.  I have not started anything in the nursery.  I need to sort and wash clothes, organize the nursery, and clean things around the house.
I'm really looking forward to Eliza's arrival.  I can't wait to see what she looks like, what personality type she'll be, and how she'll fit into our family.  I'm really excited and curious to see how the boys will respond to having a new baby in our family.  What an exciting time!


The Lambert Family said...

I am so excited for you guys! You look great! :)

Gina said...

I will come next weekend and help get the nursery ready. Hooray! We are excited!