Saturday, February 28, 2009

A Proud Day!

I had been hoping for this day to come for quite some time. Some even said it wouldn't ever come, but I always believed it would. My boy Thomas has brought me so much joy by breaking through to the 100th percentile in head size (see documented proof below). In other words, Thomas has the biggest 10 month old head on earth. I have to stop typing now because my tears of joy are shorting out my keyboard.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

Today was a great day. This morning I made heart shaped pancakes for the boys for breakfast. I put red frosting on Ben's pancakes. He LOVED them.

I thought it was pretty funny how the bright red frosting looks like lipstick.

Tom liked his pancakes too (don't worry I didn't put frosting on his, I have limits).

After breakfast Chris and Gina came over (they've been in town since late Thursday night and left this evening). Ben and Tom had so much fun playing with Chris and Gina. It was awesome. We made some homemade play dough and went to town!

Hope you had a great day too!

Monday, February 9, 2009

We had house guests this past weekend, the terrible twos and roseola.

This past weekend has been . . . interesting. Friday while getting Tom ready for bed we noticed that he was covered in a very suspicious looking rash. The next morning the rash had spread to cover his entire torso and head. It almost looked like chicken pox so I called the doctor and spoke with the nurse. After describing all of his symptoms she said it sounded like the chicken pox. I wasn't satisfied with that diagnosis, so I started researching online and found the answer . . . roseola. Needless to say Tom was pretty crabby.

Although he doesn't really look crabby. Isn't he cute.

Ben was also pretty crabby. It seems like he always takes it up a step on the scale of crabbiness when he sees that his parents are worn out and that Tom is getting a lot of our attention. Plus the "terrible twos" are here. Unfortunately the "terrible twos" are accompanied with phrases and words such as "what the heck", "annoying", "no way", "NO!!!", "darn it", "jungle book? jungle book???? jungle book jungle book jungle book jungle book jungle book jungle book!!!!!!!!". Thank you "terrible twos" for adding such lovely phrases and words to my sons vocab.

This picture pretty much speaks for its self.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Hey Everybody it's Family Night . . .

Last night we had Family Home Evening. It started out like most FHE's at our house; we sing a few songs, talk about a picture from the Gospel Art Kit, have a family prayer and then we usually start bath time. Last night was a little different. It was hilarious. Ben is obsessed with elephants right now. Particularly the "jungle patrol" elephants from the Disney movie "The Jungle Book". So after our usual FHE we started singing the song from the elephants in the "Jungle Book" movie. You know the one: "hup, two, three, four, keep it up, two, three, four." Well Ben started marching and singing along all the while holding a little elephant figurine in his hand. After about 10-15 times through the whole song Sam started getting him ready for bath while still singing the song.

Closer and closer to bath time.

Just imagine Sam singing the elephant song and doing the elephant noise the whole time while Ben was marching and singing along. It was great. The whole time Ben was singing Tom was laying on the floor playing with his toys oblivious to his big brother.

We'll have to see what kind of a floor show we can cook up for next week.