Sunday, January 27, 2013

I can see clearly now the crust is gone

We have had really bad inversion lately.  I hate it.  It brings with it really bad air quality and horrible fog.  The sky stays a constant grey, leaving everything dank and dreary.  It's a suffocating feeling.  I always feel trapped and irritable with the inversion.  One of the problems with inversion is the lack of movement.  The air is at a stand still.  Trees seem stiff and afraid.

But this morning things are different.  The air is moving.  Trees seem like they're dancing or being tickled with excitement.  Breathing has become easier.  Blue skies are visible.  This is the first time I've seen blue in the sky for weeks.  It's exhilarating.  It lifts the irritability off.  It makes me feel like there are possibilities again.  I'm stagnant no longer.  I'm capable of change.  I can progress.

It's funny that the weather has so much to do with how I feel.  But it does.

1 comment:

Gina said...

Can you send sun this way? It's pure rain down here.