Tom was not excited about sitting in this wagon. (That is a blow up turkey behind the boys. I guess I should have gotten him in the shot too, and not just its feet. Oh well.)

Tom wanted to take all of the pumpkins home. He kept trying to lift all of them up into our cart. It was hilarious to see him trying to heft a five pound pumpkin with his little boy muscles. He thinks he's SuperMan.

Here's my handsome big boy. When you ask him how old he is he'll tell you he's 3, even though he's only 2. He wants to be a big kid already.

Here we are at the beginning of the corn maze.

In the corn maze they had a bunch of these fun cut-outs. So of course we had to stop and take a few silly pictures.
Here we are close to the end of the maze. What a great looking group we made. :)
At the end of the maze they had some fun bouncers. Ben was not excited about jumping in the bounce house. He just held on to the rope on the sides and wouldn't jump. What a funny boy.
We had such a great time with our family. I think we'll make this a yearly experience.
You are on a roll with updating this blog! Who are you?
The blow up turkey looks a little bit like a butt. For a second I thought it was mooning us.
Sister, Tommy looks so big just since the summer! I can't believe he walking around like such a big boy. Those boys are sooo cute together at the pumpkin patch!
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